Why I’m writing this blog
First, I love to write. Difficult though it may be, I feel much better after I’ve been able to share my thoughts or insights with others through the written word, particularly when those thoughts are fueled by passion. (And if you’ve read much of this blog, you know I’m passionate about the topic of education.)
Second, reflection on parenting makes me a better parent. When I have time to reflect on parenting, especially in a public context, it makes me feel that much more accountable for being a good parent.
Third, I want to encourage parents and help them become better at what they do. I want to help them question their own assumptions, and to make choices consciously. In this respect, I see this blog as making a modest contribution to humanity.
Fourth, I want to draw more attention to the Sudbury approach to education. Among alternative educational models, most people have heard of Montessori, and many have heard of Waldorf, but few have heard of Sudbury. I want more people to find out about what a wonderful option Sudbury schools are. I want to see more schools founded and more schools flourishing.
Finally, I want to see my kids’ own school, The Trillium School, continue to succeed. I want my kids to have this option for the full length of their school-age years. This blog will help existing parents of Trillium to stay stimulated and on board. And, by helping spread the word about educational alternatives, it may indirectly draw more local parents into considering Trillium.
Whatever your interest in reading this blog, thank you. Now that I’ve shared why I’m writing this blog, would you be willing to leave a comment, sharing why you’re reading it?
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A quick comment per your request because I feel I’ve overcommented on previous posts.
I read here for several reasons. You’re a dad and there are very few dads who blog about education; I only do it very infrequently on my blog, despite the fact that it’s a subject which interests me greatly. You’re knowledgeable and write honestly. Even if I disagree with someone, I appreciate their honest, thoughtful writing which gives me something to consider. In contrast, even if I agree with someone in theory, I dislike reading their work if it’s illogical or nonsensical. Then, of course, there’s always plain, old basic curiosity about how other people comceptualize the world around us and their place in it.
I enjoy looking through your lenz. (wink)
Hehe, thanks Frank. BTW, there’s no such thing as overcommenting as far as I’m concerned. I know you’re not a spammer.
I follow your blog because I’m just starting to learn about life learning and so I end up researching things to death. Very insightful!
Bethany, thanks for continuing to read!
In another thread, I had brought up the subject(s) of self-control and self-discipline and asked how you teach your kids those very important topics. Did you continue or respond further? If so, I missed it.
Also, it just occurred to me to ask your opinion of John Rosemond and his philosophy on parenting. If you aren’t familiar with him, just Google his name.
FCEtier, aka “Chip”
Hi Chip,
I will take a look at John Rosemond’s stuff. Thanks for the topic idea; I’ve put it on my list of article ideas.
I remember you asked about how the Sudbury approach teaches self-discipline. I hadn’t yet responded further. I’m planning to write more articles about Sudbury schooling in the near future. I’m currently working on one called “Our journey to Sudbury schooling” which should be published by the end of next week. (I’m also going to add categories to the blog articles to make them easier to navigate & filter through.)
Thanks for continuing to read!
Ooooh, I have an opinion on John Rosemond… but, as an unschooler and an atheist, it’d be better if I just bite my tongue here and concentrate on getting ready for the Superbowl!
Who dat?
I have a new recipe for kingcake I wanna try out. Geaux, Saints!
If I choose to blog about John Rosemond, then I’ll let you loose then, Frank. 😉
Although I’m sure I heard you were doing a blog quite some time ago, it was just today that your reminder penetrated my “awareness zone”. (The reminder was your “thank you” for the book “The Christmas List”.)
My “zone” seems to keep me tuned into my work (very important), poker (not so much), and anyone or thing who grabs my attention along the way of a seemingly one-way street. I’m pretty good at being bad about staying connected with family and friends unless they meet me more than half way. (Sad, but just being honest.) So now I have your blog on my desktop where it should grab me more often. Thanks for sharing. I’ll try to share back once in a while.
Hi Jim, Ah yes, the “reticular activating system.”
I too am “pretty good about being bad about staying connected with family and friends.” Thanks for reaching out!
Hi Evan,
I’m a former Sudbury parent and am now a co-founder of a start-up school here in Toronto. I’m only a ‘former’ parent in that my child’s Sudbury school closed so we’ve had to look elsewhere for options.
Keep up your interesting posts, and I’ll even try to respond once in a while!
Hi Tane,
Glad to have you hear. Thanks for making yourself known. I look forward to your contributions!